Data rescue 4 tpb
Data rescue 4 tpb

In this case we have used the 5-year average of the 10-year government bond yield (2.0%) to estimate future growth. For a number of reasons a very conservative growth rate is used that cannot exceed that of a country's GDP growth. Global News.We now need to calculate the Terminal Value, which accounts for all the future cash flows after this ten year period. "University of Toronto professors 'race against time' to save environmental data ahead of Donald Trump presidency".

  • ^ "Toronto 'guerrilla' archivists to help preserve US climate data".
  • climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump".
  • ^ "Scientists are frantically copying U.S.
  • ^ "U of T Hosts Successful Climate Data Archiving Event".
  • ^ "Trump administration tells EPA to cut climate page from website: sources".
  • "Donald Trump picks climate change sceptic Scott Pruitt to lead EPA".
  • ^ "Donald Trump would 'cancel' Paris climate deal".
  • "Trump Has Called Climate Change a Chinese Hoax. "Donald Trump and the Triumph of Climate Denial".
  • ^ "Scientists are Racing to Save Climate Data Fearing Trump Administration".
  • ^ "Academics are in a 'race against time' to protect climate science from Donald Trump".
  • ^ "Toronto group wants to save science and climate change data from Trump with internet archiving | Metro Toronto".
  • ^ "Guerrilla Archiving Event: Saving Environmental Data from Trump | Faculty of Information (iSchool) | University of Toronto".
  • climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump" The Washington Post, December 13, 2016, retrieved March 4, 2017
  • ^ Dennis, Brady "Scientists are frantically copying U.S.
  • Kenny, Caroline " Trump: 'Nobody really knows' if climate change is real" CNN, December 12, 2016, retrieved March 4, 2017 " End of Term Presidential Harvest 2008" University of North Texas Digital Library, retrieved March 4, 2017 The event collaborated with the Internet Archive's End of Term project. The event įearing for possible deletion, or alteration of the US government websites containing the government climate data, as happened in Canada, people from various academic backgrounds and training such as coders, environmental scientists, social scientists, archivists, and librarians gathered together in order to save US government websites at risk of changing or disappearing during or after government transition. Indeed, according to Reuters sources, on 25 January 2017, Trump's administration instructed United States Environmental Protection Agency to remove climate change page from their website. These proceeding had raised concerns among academic community that the scientific opinion on climate change might be suppressed during Trump's presidency. In early December 2016, a prominent climate change sceptic, Scott Pruitt was selected as a new administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). manufacturing non-competitive", and voiced his hostility towards climate science and Paris climate agreement. Background ĭuring his run for presidency, President Trump had expressed, in various occasions, climate change denialism calling the climate change as Chinese hoax "in order to make U.S. The Guerrilla Archiving Event: Saving Environmental Data from Trump was a meeting arranged by two professors at the University of Toronto in December 2016, in an effort to pre-emptively preserve US government climate data from possible deletion by the Trump Administration. Guerrilla Archiving Event: Saving Environmental Data from Trump
  • 1 Guerrilla Archiving Event: Saving Environmental Data from Trump.
  • and elsewhere, often hosted at universities and other institutions of higher education. Quickly, the concept of data rescue became a grassroots movement, with organized " hackathon" events at cities across the U.S. and Canada-fearing that the administration of Trump (who had expressed doubts about the validity of the scientific consensus on the existence of climate change ) would act to remove scientific data from government websites -began working to preserve those data. Soon after Trump's election, scientists, librarians and others in the U.S. Bush's second term, under the name "End of Term Presidential Harvest." The concept of harvesting and preserving federal web pages began as early as 2008, at the conclusion of President George W. While the concept of preserving federal data existed before, it gained new impetus with the election in 2016 of U.S. ( Discuss) Proposed since January 2022.ĭata rescue is a movement among scientists, researchers and others to preserve primarily government-hosted data sets, often scientific in nature, to ward off their removal from publicly available websites. It has been suggested that Climate Mirror be merged into this article.

    Data rescue 4 tpb